Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Want To Tell You A Story- About Me!!!!

Okay, so I want to tell you a story that started four years ago with my first Activity Day leader, Sister Beal, and her niece, Alyssa. I loved Activity Days, being the new girl and all, and I loved Sister Beal and her daughter. Then she started bringing Alyssa with her. I quickly learned from Alyssa that her sister had cancer. One fateful night, she talked about her sister getting a wig because her hair had fallen out. Something about hearing from a friend that her sister had lost her hair clicked in me. That night I set myself a goal. I wanted to cut my hair for cancer. It took four long years, practically the duration of my time in Activity Days. I had many different leaders, friends, ect. But something never changed. I always remembered Alyssa and Sister Beal.

One Sister Beal's last night teaching Activity Days, (or at least I think that was what it was) I gave her a necklace. So now every time I put on a necklace I remember her.

Back to the story, in May of this year my Mom and I decided that we had to cut my hair because with the length it just kept needing to be cut. But my hair was still too short. In a desperate effort to meet my goal, we looked for another wig cutting program and found Pantene, who only took eight inches of hair. Then after preperations and all that stuff, I cut off 32 inches of my hair for a women with cancer.

Tonight, I had my last Recognition Night for Activity Days. I invited Sister Beal, and I was thrilled to learn that Alyssa and her sister were doing wonderful! She gave me a necklace and earrings that brought tears to my eyes and I love so much. Thank you, Sister Beal!

I can't thank Alyssa and Sister Beal enough for shaping my life in so many ways that changed me completely and put a new lens in front of my eyes so that I could see it in a new way. I love them both so much and hope they are blessed for what they have done.

Thank you Alyssa and Sister Beal. Say "hi" to Alyssa for me Sister Beal.

This Is A Really Short Blog Post, But It Is A Long Title

Watch this video! Now! Awesome!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Feeling Optimistic Today... Which Can NOT Be Good

Okay so you're tired of the long blog post titles. I don't know if I'll work on that one yet or if I'll let you suffer. I just said I felt optimistic, not generous.

So listen, anyone know what month October is? You, in the back with the red and purple shirt. Yes, you're right. Go indulge yourself in a bucket full of cookie dough. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Frankly, I can't think of a much better way to spend a month. Now, a few of you know that I care a bit about cancer- enough to cut my hair for it (totally not bragging)- so I have loved October, what with all the posters with Breast Cancer and even two hot air balloons with the ionic pink ribbon on it. But their was something I read in the magazine Real Simple. It was an article about breast cancer. That you can read here. Now once you have read that go to the bottom and keep clicking on the pictures of women, there should be five. I find this so inspirational. Isn't it wonderful that people can fight for something like this?

Hoping that I was not so optimistic now? Well live with it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Da, Da, Da, Da, Here Comes the Bride, All Dressed in White...

It is no longer official! Wesley Acton WAS going to marry Laura, but it is now OFF! So here is how it started.

One dark and stormy night, I learned a dreadful thing! Wesley had proposed to Laura and, much to the dismay of all the older siblings, she accepted. They had a date for their wedding and their siblings' deaths. Wesley called her " my Girlfriend Laura", and all of the older kids were preparing their funerals. Then it happened. Laura DUMPED Wesley!!!!!! And we all thought we could live again!

Oh, I got my book!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Want to See What I Look Like With NO Hair?

Okay, right off the bat I have to say I am grateful to my mom.

But, NOT grateful enough to let this go.

Remember this??!!!!!!

I am soooooo upset I can't even show it to you. AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Now my Mom has ordered it, because NONE of the stores in our WHOLE ENTIRE TOWN have it!

I am pulling my hair out, but I have all the videos. HA, HA, Take that book stores!

Okay, I'm losing it.