Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mockingjay is Here, Mockingjay is Here, Mockingjay WAS Here Four Days Ago...

...And I still haven't finished it, even though I got it on the day it came out. How sad is that?

Okay, so here is the explanation of why I haven't finished the book yet, if your in a mood where you think everything is an excuse- please don't read any further. Drum roll, please! My amazing excuse, ummm I mean REASON, is that... I have finally found a book that might actually be to sad and depressing from me. Which is bad.

I love the book, I really do, but it's been so different from the other one. It's been darker and some- most- of my favorite characters are dead or insane. Problem! It also has less humor and the main character who used to have more fight in her than the rest of the characters put together, sort of lets go for the first 150 pages of the book. I starts picking up as soon as a certain mentor appears, then. I have been enjoying it more now and I'm liking how much we get to see some of the relationships that we have only heard about. It's really awesome to see the interactions between a certain pair of boys who happen to make me laugh quite a bit.

My biggest problem about the book: the lack of anything happy. I know I should have expected this. I should have seen it coming from the first book. But this book is really one of the only books were my heart has dropped and I've felt like there was no way any of the characters could win. I guess, deep down, I was sort of hoping for something of a happy ending, if that happens here Katniss is going to have to wake up and realize that the whole series was a dream. Ya, it's that possible. I also feel bad because when there are those little bits of relief they are short and they end very brutally. The longest happy moment was probably 2 or 3 pages and the ending wasn't even really bad. Which is like really long to all the other half a page ones that end with someone dying in a horrible nightmarish way.

So now I have to finish the book.

P.S. Ignore all mistakes. This was written very quickly.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bored, Bored, Bored, Bored, Bored...

And I wasn't feeling that well today. But I'm still bored. So I'm going to keep on typing and hope that this gets some where.

Which it didn't.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Word From the Wise to the, Um, Wiser- Which is You Guys...

... Flattery works miracles doesn't it?

Now for that wisdom from the local genius and wisdom- giver- ME! Don't wake 10:30 and get out of your room at 11:30 and then eat brunch and then not eat anything else. Every thing before the ' and not eat anything else' is fine, but I think our bodies need more sugar than that. Just an idea.

Can I rant? Thank you for saying yes.

I want this book! Really bad! But I still have to wait until the 24th of this month. Usually I would tell you how many days away that is, but I spent all my energy trying to get this STINKIN' PICTURE TO UPLOAD and I'm sorta low and blood sugar! So you can be grateful that I came and blogged any way! (I obviously have enough energy to go into hysterics and act like a madwoman. Who would have guess?)The Hunger Games is really good series for people who have a a morbid and desensitized imagination- like me. People who are actually SANE can read it too, though. I really like it and want the book now.

Okay, I'm going to end this, because my head is starting to do that back and forth thing and I'm writing sort of funny- which is a red alert for low blood sugar. If I pass out things would get bad. SOOOOOOO...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh, The Dinner Conversations That Our Family Has...

Here's how it all began!

1. Me making the comment that I had found a piece of genius that said 'I'm not littering, I'm donating to the Earth!'

2. Which was then followed by Peter wondering if he could make a tee- shirt that said 'Hey, I'm walking litter!' and had fake pieces of litter on.

3. I then mentioned that you could make custom tee- shirts.

4. Which made me think of the whole 'Team insert- name- of- boy- here" shirts and how they, despite their publicity are actually hard to find.

5. At which point, Peter and I started talking about how we had only found two places that sold 'Team Edward/ Jacob' shirts: Borders and a little store in San Fransisco.

6. Then we started talking about how I had told dad that if he bought me a 'Team Edward' shirt he would have to buy me a Sharpie so that I could write 'DEAD' over Edward. (My mom mentioned that I could also just write a D in front of Edward)

7. Peter and I then began planning all of the possible ways to show our displeasure with the Twilight obsession through shirts with a dead Edward in some form. I will not disclose them for fear of the editor hunting me down to kill me.

8. Which was followed by a rant about how the guy who plays Jacob really DOES look like a wolf and a shark, even without make-up. I'm sorry, Rylee- but it's true. Look at the cast of the movie ' Shark- Boy and Lava- Girl" to get the shark part.

9. This was then accompanied by the comment about a commercial showing the name of Jacob Black name carved in wood.

10. This was followed by the rational idea that there might actually be someone with the name of Jacob Black.

11. And then our hearts went out to all of the people with the names of Bella- or Isabella- Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black.

12. We also made a comment about how is was sort of odd that the name Edward hadn't made the top ten names of the year.

13. We then rationalized that it was because Edward sounded way old and the Jacob, while not flooding with moderness, at least had the nice nick- name 'Jake'.

14. Then my mother commented that Edward was stuck with the nick- name 'Ed'. Which, if you ask me is one of the saddest nick-names in the world. Sorry if you love the nick-name 'Ed.'

And somewhere along there multiple pieces of genius were shared- including ' I now have proof that Voldemort is evil, he turned Cedric Diggory into Edward Cullen' and we realized Peter needs help pronouncing the name 'Cullen'.

How's that for random?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I Am Bored for No Apparent Reason and I Don't Want to Practice Piano,

Or clean up,

Or pack for Girl's Camp- which is Wednesday,
Or work on Personal Progress,

Or read the other half of Uglies for Tuesday,

Or help with dinner,

Or play with my siblings,

Or read my scriptures,

Or do my dinner chore,

Or vacuum,

Or work on my math, whatever you're thinking of telling me to do.

I'll tell you some awesome quotes? Thank you for obliging me.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

-Albert Einstein

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square hole. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much."

Oscar Wilde (I always knew we were supposed to forgive our enemies, but this is a really good reason.)

"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye. (as said by Miss Piggy)"
Jim Henson

And my favorite-

"Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away."