Thursday, December 31, 2009

100 Blog Posts and a Wonderful New Year!

How was your '09? I know mine rocked like you would not believe. I want you to have a little tiny peek at it. So here are the first and last pictures from the year.

Here is a picture I took of something I was grateful for to post about. First picture of the year.

Last picture of us going sledding. Why is my type blue?

Oh, well. Here is to a wonderful 2010!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oh, the Joy and Laughter Caused By Duplicate Presents

It was the afternoon of Christmas and all through the house all the creatures were stirring, even the darn Legos.

Okay, I can't do that forever. So here is the rundown Dad asked for the Ghostbuster's Wii game, which many family members eagerly bought for us. So you can imagine my Father's glee when he opened the game and shouted '"It's Ghostbusters!'" He had proclaimed this just when I had unwrapped my present and discovered the game's twin.

Aren't we so pretty? Then can the family game.

So now we are the proud owners of Ghostbusters! Of course if we were going to get one we were going to get a million- a hundred- okay three.

Now I Better Post this Or Else Peter Will Keep Breathing in My Ear!

Okay, I have to get Peter off my back so- you all know how we watched the Phantom of the Opera (I don't know how to underline things on my blog, so if anyone knows please spread your knowledge). Well right after Christine was "forced" to kiss the Phantom Peter made the comment "' Now I really hate that guy.'" Then at the end of the movie he repeated what he had said, my Mom readily replied to '"Be nice to the poor man because it is not his fault he is permanently disfigured."' Now that I have posted this maybe my bother will leave me alone- maybe.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas and I Hope Your House Is Clean!!!!

I am not trying to make you feel guilty if you house is dirty- because our is a bit dirty too! I am just trying to give you hope that it might be clean.

Moving on. So how was everybody's Christmas? I think we might have too much family all on one day. Like I love my family, but if it grows much bigger I might go insane.

So do you want to see something that Peter and I - and Laura (a bit)- discovered we loved? If not, do not scroll down.

Okay. I know all of you are amazed that Peter and I were both able to sit through a two hour twenty-nine minute movie. Where they sing a lot. Emphasis on a lot. Like a lot.

So we got it from Netflix- long story- and we watched it on Christmas Eve. Then again on Christmas day. We really enjoyed it- maybe our mom actually rubbed a love for old movies into us- those this isn't old, but I guess it can be counted as a classic.

I sort of have to go now, but I will really try to blog sooner or later. Truthfully.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Here You Go Sister Acton, Now Look at All the Pictures

For my 12th birthday I got to go to Germany with my aunt, uncle, cousin,and grandmother- who lived in Germany for some of her life.

Here are some of the pictures from the trip.

Part One- Munchen

P.S. These are not in any order

The castle were King Ludwig the Second grew up.

Me on a bridge looking out at Neuschwanstein

Neushwanstein from the front

Me in a u-baun or a subway
A figure on a castle
The castle for Ludwig the Second- again!

Hopefully I will have some more pictures for you tomorrow- or even today.