Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's that Time of Year Where The Family Schoolers Question Their Supposed Sanity

I fear the time of year after Winter Break. Why, you ask? Because it is at that time where we are usually doing three or four GIANT projects in about two months. Pure torture. No. It's school.

Don't believe me? As of last week we were working on:

Inquiry Two
Inquiry Three
Writing Project
Self Assessment

Along with our regular homework.

Do any Family Schoolers possess sanity? Your call...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Am Losing It!

I spent pretty much all of today dizzy while doing probably about six hours of homework. Does anyone see any problem with that besides me and my parents? Good, I am glad that you all had the sense to agree with me. I am looking forward to going to bed (possibly, I took a small nap today, so we will have to see how that affects me) and not having to do anymore homework right now. These are the days where I would love to leave Family School. Those days were I am near a breakdown and I can't stop doing homework because of how intense our school is. I think most kids feel this way about school sooner or later, and I can tell them, when you have weeks were you are doing 20+ hours (all you Family School people are wincing and remembering all of those weeks where that happened to you...) you begin to think that college might actually be easier than this (though your parents tell you that you are wrong.)

Sorry I just had to rant.

(Now I know that you are all thinking, why didn't you do more homework yesterday? Because I actually wanted to remember what it felt like to not do fourteen million hours of homework in one day. Does that make sense to you?)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Let's See How that Bet Turned Out, Shall We...

The bet did not work. After about one day, the kids were risking their lives and we were in complete and utter terror at all times. But we still went to the movie today! THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was as awesome as it could have been. I won't rant about anything because I would bore you all to death, instead I will say that it was a great movie and I suggest seeing some time (okay, let me rephrase that, see it if your kids want to see it). We all had a blast and it was pretty darn funny.

Enjoy the Olympics!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Week of OLYMPIC Standards, and Mom and Dad Lost a Bet To the Three Kids

Two things, this week the Winter Olympics started (I think you all knew that... right?), which was a big thing for our family. We have all been looking forward to it and our enjoying ourselves a ton.

Second thing... and it is a BIG thing. Yip, yip, yeah. Mom and Dad are taking us to see the Lightning Thief on Monday because they lost a bet to us kids. Okay, let me tell you something. Mom and Dad might not actually take us because they are quite unhappy about losing the bet (if Dad couldn't put on our new screen door right, they had to take us all to the movies on Monday). They should keep their integrity and take us, but, honestly, I wouldn't bet much on it though (nice pun, right?).

I will let you all know on Monday if that actually, like, take us to the movie. Hopefully they will... or else.