Sunday, September 12, 2010

Guess What? Guess What? I Finished Mockingjay!

DON'T READ THIS IF YOU HAPPEN TO BE SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO READ THIS BOOK AND HASN'T READ IT YET! I don't think I know anyone in this group though, besides my mom...

To put my thoughts on the book into a very short sentence... It sort of stunk.

I was really bummed. Really, really, really, really bummed. But it's better now that I'm re-reading it. When I first read it I was so messed up- doing lots of homework and being tired can do that to you, who would've guessed? I was really expecting a lot of drama when rebelled, but all of the drama was emotional and mental.

I just decided I'm not going to continue the above paragraph, because, if I do, it will become a mess of, well, a lot of nonsense- which is good, put you probably don't want it.

Instead I will tell you why DUCKS ARE CANNIBALS!!!!

Duck are cannibals because in a book I read, they gave a duck a duck dish... AND THE DUCK ATE IT!


Saturday, September 4, 2010


Just thought you should know.