Saturday, January 31, 2009

Homework and Music

Today my father let me buy three songs on the iTunes Store. Well that isn't really the most important part. My dad ignored my wonderful taste and said that the best music would be the music celebrating HIM. Talk about pride. 

I did a million hours of homework this week. I really want my homework amount to decrease, insanely. I really can't take any more of the amount of homework that I will always have to do. 


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Guess I Have To

I guess I have to blog about my brother's sucsess in his Pinewood Derby Race. I really don't want to. So I'll make it quick.

Peter made a shark car. He won some of the races that he raced. He won the most original design, nothing else. He was a great sport. So now I have done the bare minimum and will do nothing else.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Guess the Calorie Amount

Look at these pictures and guess the amount of calories.

Peter enjoyed it. Of course it had THREE types of chocolate chips, marhmellows and caramel. YUM. 

Laura was delighted and, believe it or not, so was I.

This is a Rocky Ledge Bar. Probably around 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,ooo calories per serving. That sends shivers down every person.  

Where was Dad at this moment?  Sleeping on the couch. What a let down.  

I'm the Third Blog to Do This Post

Last night the Solis children went to play at the Actons. Trust me, we have a long history with the Actons and had a blast that night.

If you want evidence look at the pictures below. These are Solcton games. DO NOT TRY THESE AT HOME. 

Us plying Twister. They had lost their spinner, so the siblings took turns choosing what positions we were put into. Fun if your not on the mat.

Laser Limbo. We had six kids going under a fake light saber. It was definitely a lot of fun. Though the traffic jams and lost heads put a bit of a damper on the game.

We had a great night. Thank you Sister and Brother Acton for putting up with SEVEN kids and our demands. I still don't know how you did it though. 

Transformation Pictures

Recently I blogged about my hair. I said I would post pictures, so here they are.

Before: I know this is a Halloween picture, but there were really no other pictures that showed my hair down recently.

After: My long gorgeous STRAIGHT hair. My mother set up spies to try and get me to make it curly again. 

Then I showered. My hair became curly again. Sigh.

Homework (To the Extreme)

How many hours of homework did you busiest child do this week? Consider carefully. What was the longest time of homework that you think you have done this year. 

This week I did about 15 to 20 and a half hours of homework. This is only an estimate. (I can't get on to Google Docs to actually check. ) I can already hear you (unless you have a child that goes to  Family School too or your my mom) going "no way, your in fifth grade!" I know. Probably five of those hours I did yesterday. At least I got to stay up until 9:50.

Peter and Laura did about 12 hours. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Self Esteem

I do not have a single problem with my self esteem. 

So therefor I go and search for my name on my mother's blog. I get very upset when it tells me there are no matches. I scream, or want to, when I notice that the last one posted was about me being  BLOND. My reaction, it's not my fault mom and dad gave me the genes. So as you can see I can not be help reasonable for being blond.   

I get angry about the fact that it has been two months and my mother has not posted about my birthday yet. Her reaction to my outburst: Go and see how late Laura's birthday was. My answer: 1 month. 

I have no problem telling every person that asks me if I have ever had anything to do with the Dreaded Twilight that the only interaction I will ever have with it is when I throw it in the trash. After shredding it to pieces.  

I don't mind running around trying to murder ( I had a friend who found it odd that I and some friends, you know who you are, use that phrase to  show that we are angry. We have still not succeeded in hurting anyone too horribly, yet.) friends for reasons I can't even remember.  Is that holding  a grudge or just being blond.  

One single problem that I have: I don't have the confidence to blog about my achievements, birthday, plays, writing, etc, etc.

Is that Self esteem?  


Saturday, January 17, 2009


I can't show you a picture, but believe me I look weird with straight hair. I know a lot of you know that I have curly hair. How many have actually seen in down? A very precious few. I straitened my hair today and trust me it rocks. Maybe you'll get pictures soon.  

How Would You Pronounce...


Here is a conversation that went on between my mom and I. You can tell.

" How would you pronounce a name that is spelled R-a-f-e?" I'm written in the "large" print.


Five minutes later. "How would you pronounce a name that is spelled E-m-i-l-y?" 


"What about O-b-n-o-x-i-o-u-s?

" Emily."

It is so true.


Working Dog: Clipboard Version

You can tell how much our dog loves my dad. I still think she should get paid.

Friday, January 16, 2009

It Only Took 40,000,000,000 Tries

It really did. Tonight we are finally going to have our sleepover with the Walkers. We made four attempts at this. The first time the Walkers were stuck in Colorado. The second time they were stuck in Colorado with Stomach Flu. The third time they had fevers/colds. The fourth time it was the third youngest child's birthday. Happy Belated Birthday Cassidy.  

So now we are going to have the sleepover. Since the Walkers live close to us we are just going to do a switch. We drop off Peter, and pick up Rylee. We are really excited. Let us see how it goes.  

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's a Phase

Our family, not Dad or Omi though, are going through our ABBA phase. We listen to the music, dance to it, sing it, etc. It is really a lot of fun. We know most of the songs by heart and enjoy dancing to all the songs. This is a video of Peter and Laura dancing to Mamma Mia, Dancing Queen, Super Trooper, and bit of Money, Money, Money. Laura is really into the whole ABBA thing. Sister Acton, I'm sorry but your sons might start liking it too, they've listened to it a couple times when we've taken them home.   

 Actually the video was too long. So I guess you'll just have to imagine it. Sorry.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Blonde Jokes.

Don't try and hide it you know you've heard the blond jokes. I, seeing as I'm a blond, can not tolerate these jokes. Here are my versions. Pass them on or make your own.

1. People are making smoothies. The blond presents everyone with a strawberry and banana smoothie. The one with the purple hair made a chocolate smoothie. The (insert you hair color here)   made a bacon and shoe smoothie. 

2. Three people are sitting around a campfire coming up with short things that describe them. The blond says "I'm Ella the Elephant and I'm booky."

The one with purple hair says " I'm Whuscy the Husky and  I'm hungry.
The ( insert you hair color, not blond, here) says " I'm Dovy the Dove and I'm really yummy. That was the end of the dove.

Help me restore all the blonds reputation, by making new jokes and telling them to others. Then tell others to do the same.  Sorry that the jokes aren't really funny. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Pride and Joys

 These are my pride and joys. I don't know why I'm doing this.

Left: One of my book shelves. Thanks Mom and Dad.

Left: Another Bookshelf 

Left: My iPod, which I love.

Left: Coconut. An American Girl dog, which I love. 

Left: Nicki, my American Girl doll that I love with all my heart.

Left: Nicki, Coconut, and Licorice

Left: Felicia the family dog, who I love.

Just a little peek into my life.


Still in denial? I love,no, adore,no, am obsessed with, no, go to the extreme and beyond when it come to books. I can't think of another way to say it. Almost anyone knows about my  love for books. If you have know me for more that two hours and don't know this fact I'll worry. On group of kids that I know are well aware of my love is, drum roll, the ACTON KIDS. Yes I know you don't believe me. On with the post.

AI have to vent my anger and irritation.  Who has been drowned and killed by the love that almost every girl over the age of twelve has. I'll give you one word to help you figure out what that obsession is.  TWILIGHT. I despise these books to an insane amount. I won't say any more, but I will never ever read these books. 

Now onto the books I love. I'll just give you a list.

  • The Ranger's Apprentice: A wonderful story if you want action. This is the series written by the author in Australia. I love these books. Mitchell read them. 
  • The Companion's Quartet: I don't read eco-fantasy books, but these are great for Percy Jackson and the Olympians fans.
  • Percy Jackson and the Olympians: LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT,LOVED IT. The brother liked it, the oldest Acton liked it, etc., etc. 
  • Maximum Ride series: 98% human 2% bird. Nothing left to say.      I won't say more tonight, but I love reading. 

Friday, January 9, 2009

Never Let Me...

Never let me fall in love with a series of books written by an author in Australia if the U.S. is two books behind Australia and my parents won't let me go to the library. ( Or move to Australia for a day.)

 In short I discovered the Ranger's Apprentice books. I love them, but have to live in agony because I know the other books are out there, but I can't get them.

Sorry it's short. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

I Have No Clue What To Call This Post

We started school. I will need to do serious reaggusting. I fell asleep while reading. Not good.  
Recently, our family started a story called Who is Stole Uncle Sam. Which it a sequel to another story that we read for Christmas entitled Who is Stealing The Twelve Days of Christmas. The whole family enjoyed it and had a blast while reading it. It worked really well with the younger kids and Mom, Dad, and I liked it too. So over all put these books on hold.     

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Secret Love. (Not)

I love making sweets.

You always see my mom making the food if you check her blog ( or the food she made). Well I would like to show you a like mother like daughter scenario. These are a few of my creations:
  Now if you read my previous post you are probably wondering what that thing is. If you must know it's my hair over a lot of air being pushed up by tiny holes. I wanted to show my mom something scary after the trick Peter had shown her. I let my hair down and that was the result. A lot of you most likely haven't even seen my hair down much less like that. If you have congratulations. You are one of ten.  

School starts tomorrow. Yea! No sarcasm

Guess What This Is!

Hint: It is not a monster.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Simple Thing

'" Don't tell me that you're lookin' for a leopard.'"

A common line in the movie Bringing Up Baby. But the line seems to go further. It seems to say that you are trying to get the impossible. Just a random thought I had to get out of the way.

How many of you have read Journey to the Center of the Earth? THE ORIGINAL. For your safety I suggest that you don't. I read it for school. I begged to read it. Then it bit back at me, hard. My mom and I struggled through the book. Not a good experience.

Guess what. I grew out of my bookshelf. So one of my Christmas presents was a new bookshelf.   Yesterday Mom and Dad built it. I love it. Thank you. 

I believe I mentioned earlier that Peter and I were going to have a sleepover with the Walkers. Well they went to go and visit family. We have now had the sleepover canceled twice. Once due because they were prolonging the stay the second time because of the wonderful stomach flu. Tears were shed.

We got to go to IHOP. A reason why I love winter vacation.

" And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school start again."  If you think you know where that quote came from, give me a comment and I'll blog about who got it. 

One of the books I am reading at the moment is called the Candy Shop Wars. It is a very good. My Mom and I love it.

Happy New Year.