Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Word From the Wise to the, Um, Wiser- Which is You Guys...

... Flattery works miracles doesn't it?

Now for that wisdom from the local genius and wisdom- giver- ME! Don't wake 10:30 and get out of your room at 11:30 and then eat brunch and then not eat anything else. Every thing before the ' and not eat anything else' is fine, but I think our bodies need more sugar than that. Just an idea.

Can I rant? Thank you for saying yes.

I want this book! Really bad! But I still have to wait until the 24th of this month. Usually I would tell you how many days away that is, but I spent all my energy trying to get this STINKIN' PICTURE TO UPLOAD and I'm sorta low and blood sugar! So you can be grateful that I came and blogged any way! (I obviously have enough energy to go into hysterics and act like a madwoman. Who would have guess?)The Hunger Games is really good series for people who have a a morbid and desensitized imagination- like me. People who are actually SANE can read it too, though. I really like it and want the book now.

Okay, I'm going to end this, because my head is starting to do that back and forth thing and I'm writing sort of funny- which is a red alert for low blood sugar. If I pass out things would get bad. SOOOOOOO...

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