Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mockingjay is Here, Mockingjay is Here, Mockingjay WAS Here Four Days Ago...

...And I still haven't finished it, even though I got it on the day it came out. How sad is that?

Okay, so here is the explanation of why I haven't finished the book yet, if your in a mood where you think everything is an excuse- please don't read any further. Drum roll, please! My amazing excuse, ummm I mean REASON, is that... I have finally found a book that might actually be to sad and depressing from me. Which is bad.

I love the book, I really do, but it's been so different from the other one. It's been darker and some- most- of my favorite characters are dead or insane. Problem! It also has less humor and the main character who used to have more fight in her than the rest of the characters put together, sort of lets go for the first 150 pages of the book. I starts picking up as soon as a certain mentor appears, then. I have been enjoying it more now and I'm liking how much we get to see some of the relationships that we have only heard about. It's really awesome to see the interactions between a certain pair of boys who happen to make me laugh quite a bit.

My biggest problem about the book: the lack of anything happy. I know I should have expected this. I should have seen it coming from the first book. But this book is really one of the only books were my heart has dropped and I've felt like there was no way any of the characters could win. I guess, deep down, I was sort of hoping for something of a happy ending, if that happens here Katniss is going to have to wake up and realize that the whole series was a dream. Ya, it's that possible. I also feel bad because when there are those little bits of relief they are short and they end very brutally. The longest happy moment was probably 2 or 3 pages and the ending wasn't even really bad. Which is like really long to all the other half a page ones that end with someone dying in a horrible nightmarish way.

So now I have to finish the book.

P.S. Ignore all mistakes. This was written very quickly.

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