Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Post!!!!!!!!!

I promised that I would do an optimistic post today so here it is. I am too lazy to actually go and expand on everything so I'm just going to make a list.

1. We had Art and Poetry at Family School. It was absolutely awesome and I pity anyone who did not get the pleasure of seeing the art showcase.

2. We had Christmas. A big yippee for any kid.

3. I have to admit it I spent around $90 on books. But before you go yelling at me think, it's better than a bag full of makeup. Thanks Aunt Xin.

4. I went on the Tram for the first time in my like. It was a lot of fun to see all the snow. Thanks Ba and Nana Gail.

5. We get to start the new year. Finally. 

6. We had family come into town.

7. We had friends over yesterday and on the second they are coming for a sleepover. 

8. WE GOT TITO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have never been to Tito's in CA I feel so bad for you.

Mom got Mamma Mia. I love this torture device. 

WELCOME 2009 !!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I must admit it I despise this whole Sign Out Sign In thing on Blogger. I spent like a whole minute trying to sign in on the blog. It starts to annoy someone sooner or later, and it doesn't take a long time. This is going to be a very negative post. Tomorrow you get the stuff that makes you happy. Sorry. Now be cause we had family in town a lot  of the time the cars would over-flow. Well I chose to ride with my dad. He got this iPod Touch for Christmas and let me just say, I'm about ready to send it back to where it belongs if I hear another song from the age of the disco cavemen and Walkman and cleaning Saturdays.  I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone you is into the whole Earth,Wind and Fire thing. Last complaint, we watched Kung Fu Panda tonight. Peter and Laura (don't forget Dad) are never allowed  to see another action movie again. They just get too far into the horrid thing.      

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's True!

I have now at age 11 for the first time ever seen Horton Hears a Who. It was better than any of the other movies I have seen based on the Dr. Seuss books. I did not like the Cat in the Hat. It did not follow the plot to my liking, oh well. I have to admit I like Horton Hears a Who, it was a good movie for the younger kids, too. Bonus. 

 Merry Christmas. We have family flying in so we'll be busy.   

Friday, November 28, 2008

Paris -No Fair

Mom and Dad just got back from Paris. With like 4,000,000,000,000,000,000 pictures. It seems like they went almost every where. I have one question, what is going on with the Madagascar advertisements? All the rumors that dogs are allowed like everywhere in Paris is true. We have pictures. I can't say any more, my mom will though.    

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sorry, Many How Do You Spell That Word

Make a long story short. Our Computer crashed , got sent to CA, came back. Got sick, had birthday, parents going Paris.  The End.  What else do you want. 

Things that Have Happened

  1. Our poor computer crashed. Thats why I haven't been blogging. So we sent it to CA and then we got it back. After that we replaced its memory. Thanks Dad. And now we have our computer back.
  2. I had my birthday.  It was pretty cool. Thanks family.
  3.  Both mom and I are sick. Mom seems to have croop . 
     4. Mom and Dad are going to Paris. Lucky.  

There's your update sorry it was so short.

Monday, October 20, 2008

If Only, If Only

Today Laura said the thing that I just had to say " If only, if only," to. 

Laura was told by out Dad to pick up the mess she had made (horrid I know) and while she was cleaning Laura had the notion that if she cleaned up she should get paid for it. Where that thought came from, I can only guess, but I think it came from the idea that money grows on trees and that truly we are paying rent to out parents by cleaning. I don't know if she will ever understand this or if it will just soar right over her head. But can you imagine it. You work aqnd without problems you get paid. If only,if only.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Truce. I'm Blogging now.

I know, I know, I have not blogged for a while. So here is the update.

Discovered the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, which rocks. 
Spent time with the friends and family, and had an awesome water balloon fight.

Started school, and tried not to die because of the homework.

Peter's 8th B-day.
Had family come into town.
Got sick.
Finished giant science project. YEAH! 
Learned that I had not blogged in forever.

Sorry, you will have pictures shortly. I can't get the Internet to work with me. 

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Something to be Grateful For

The past few weeks I have been reading a series that I absolutely love. So something that I am very grateful  for this week is friends and books. The series I've been reading is Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. Laura's teacher, Mrs. Barney, suggested the first book to me,The Lighting Thief ,I put off reading it until probably 2-3 weeks ago then I started reading it.I had it finished within 3 days. I was using the book for an assignment when my mom told me she had to return it to the library right before my assignment was due and my replacement still had not come right before I had to turn it in.So my mom went to the Barney's to see if they had it. She returned with the second book,The Sea of Monsters too.I had that done pretty quickly. When I was done with that we returned them and I got the third book from Ryan Barney.  I read The Titan's Curse before the end of the day. So why am I so grateful for friends,because they can really suggest good books and because I have been lucky enough to have them let me borrow there books. THANK YOU SO MUCH BARNEYS. I'm very grateful for books because they really are great fun to read. Check the first three books on my Goodreads side extra to see the books.  

Sunday, June 15, 2008

List of Things I Like

I needed something to post about.
 1. Swinging, I love to swing you can ask anyone(the Actons,my family,even my old classmates)
2. Friends, most deffintaly  the Actons
3.Books,no explantion nessicary
4.Writing,I have to admit I'm pretty proud of my writing skills. 

 5. Harry Potter

 7.Hayley Mills,she made some great movies

 8.My family

 9. Ballet (I have been taking for 6 years)


Sunday, June 8, 2008


We had such a great week! We went to the Actons, had candy and orange juice while mom was at girls camp. 

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Grateful Sunday

I felt that I needed to do this. Today I am grateful for my mom. This past week has been hard for her because of girls camp and kids. 

She is always there for us.

She loves her husband.

And she is quick to laugh.  Even though she is not photogenic (she says). We love her a lot though sometimes she yells at us she is one good mom and we love her.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

School Tribute Part 2

Part 1 of this post is after the most recent school update.
Left :Peter presenting his inquiry


Left:Us enjoying ice cream and building. 

Left: Gabby and Valerie working
 while Zoey (Ms. Paula's daughter) observes.

Left: The fire place for our play is being constructed.

Left : The class is awaiting the 
time to meet their Sophie partners.

Left: Liam (Pinocchio 2) sticking his head in the whale's mouth.

Left: Haley a puppet

Left: Izzac,Mario, Mitchell ,Tobias, me,Shawn, Jacob,and Peter working on the stagecoach. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

School Update

Today was the last day of School! So  we made poems for the end of the year and read them to the class had a small potluck and watched our play.

Each year at the the end we do a play or something special. This year we did the play:Pinocchio. Above: Ms. Paula our teacher, Peter and me. 

This is Peter  smiling for the camera. He played Fettucini, a puppet.

This is me I played the Blue Fairy. My Mom had to fight me for pictures.

A Tribute to School and End of School Year Pictures

It is the first day of summer! Here are some pictures from the school year. All names are right to left.

Left: The first day of school. Laura, Peter, me.

Above:Peter's class on the first day of school.

Right: Me reading my story for school.

 More pictures will come once the computer works with me.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


O.K. my mom tagged me to: 
1. pick the pick up the closest book( at least 123 pages)

 2. find the 123 page

3. find the 5th full sentence 

4. post it on the blog. 

5. tag  people

Well the closest book to me was The Meanest Doll In The World. The 5th sentence was "'Sandra , Sleeping Billy, Techo- Man! "'  called Mean Mimi "' Doesn't anybody remember what we talked about."'I know that is more than 1 sentence, but that is the only way to  understand the quote. I tag the Vidmars, Ms. Heather( my former teacher), and the Pinons. 

I am never going to wear flip- flops again because they know how to make it so that you have to go to the doctor. No more on the subject. 

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Funny Stories

I had to beat mom to doing this post, funny stories about Laura.

A funny story about Laura is that this week end we went to our grandparents'  house and Laura brought everything she owned. Her pillow was bulging it was so heavy she could not carry it so guess who was lucky enough to get to carry this parcel. Me  and Peter, that how heavy  it was it took both of us to carry it. I kept on telling her to not bring everything and all she would say was " I won't take it all out just some if it. " So we got to our grand parents house and that was when I really learned how much stuff was in that pillow the pile   of stuff was very big.  I am amazed that all of it came home.    

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

School Update and the Peter Report

School has been going pretty well  for all of us. So I might as well tell you about it. Peter and I are going to do a play in school. Peter and his friend William have counted up to 400 in something called Dog bone. I might be moving into fractions in school. Laura is studying about places in school. Tests are almost over and everyone is  perfectly happy. 

And now the Peter report: the first thing to talk about is  Book Orders.


They finally came after a horribly long wait. "We were all so happy to get the books!" Emily Solis age 10 said. " I was waiting for these forever." Laura said. We were all very glad to get our books.


When we when to the Actons recently we saw a movie called the Seeker. WARNING: 'There are some bluhh romance parts."10 year old Mitchell Acton commented.


Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday, a Bad Day

I don't mean to complain, but today has been really bad. So let me start at the beginning. We always wake up at 7:00 on school days. Today I woke up to the obnoxious beeping of my alarm clock and reluctantly got out of bed, got dressed, ate, and when on to do my homework. Then we headed off to school and that is when I began to get sick. At 2:30 and that is when I get really sick so we arrive home and I went right to the couch where I lounged around until dinner. At that time I ate a yogurt, some Mashed Potatoes , and a tiny piece of chicken. So my day  has not been the best and lets hope it won't affect my Tuesday. See you all.    

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sickness and Inquiry Two Words for Trouble

Sorry I have written in so long, I can explain with two words Inquiry and Stomach Flu, alright that is four words shame on me. I hope all of you have had a better week than us because it has not really resembled a picnic. So Inquiry, don't get me wrong it is not horrible it's just not the best thing in the world, like how going to the doctor is not the best thing , but it's not  the worst either. Inquiry is Family School's version of a science project with a big board and one question that you have to design an experiment to figure out. So to  help you picture our Tuesday (the day the Inquiry was due) I have to ask you to imagine running around, trying to print things, glue them down, and type up last minute things,multiply that by two. That was our Tuesday and yesterday our mother caught the Stomach Flu along with our father. Try to really and truly enjoy a week like that it's a little hard, but I have had worse that I will not mention. So if you think you have had a week that can make ours run for it's money let me know.  I would love to hear about it. Oh yeah, our class is going to put on a play so that is one really good thing about this week that I can gladly report and laugh about! 

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Sunday a Joy and a Bunch of Trouble

On Sunday we go to church, there thats all. This morning we woke up at 7:12 ,to my displeasure, and went to church. When we got there we were sleepy I can say that. We came home in time for lunch and then  played a bit. After a while we decided to watch the Testaments a movie. Guess what we couldn't find it. At 4:00 Madison Hansen will come for choir and there will be trouble for sure, but Madi is not the trouble. Because lets just say that we aren't the best play mates. So now you know the secrets behind our very peaceful sundays!  

The Switching of the Rooms

On Saturday Mom had Youth Conference and she was surprised that our Masterminds had devised a plan. Here is what it was , the whole story. Now when we moved in to the house Laura and I got to share a room and Peter got his own (life is so unfair). Well that was how the idea came about Laura sleeping in Peter's room and letting me sleep alone. Well everything was working out well Mom had approved of the plan and we were getting ready for bed when we saw you won't believe this, the Lorax and the kid on Mulberry Street( 2 characters from Laura's Dr. Seuss book). Laura would not fall asleep and at 9:00 she was still awake when I went in to make sure they were not talking. Well  lets just say that everyone ended up sleeping in one room! So much for that plan.  

Friday, March 28, 2008


I know its not SPT( Self- Portrait Tuesday), the day where you answer a question like What is something that is Eggs-tra special about you. Since this is a blog  about Peter, Laura and I I'm going to do any of the SPTs that I like from all our points of view. 

What is something eggs-tra special about you!
Something cool about Laura is that she is the queen of static hair( I would post a picture if I had one.)Peter is eggs-tra special because he could build about any Lego thing in the world. I got X-rays of my leg. Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Incase you are wondering I got X-rays because every time I did a certain ballet move I popped some sort of nerve or something. Now I might either have to have extra lessons with my dance teacher or I have to have Physical Therapy to   make my hip stronger.   

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hello Everybody!

Hi, I'm Emily the oldest Solis child at age 10, Peter (8 in September) and Laura (4) are my siblings and sometimes my partners in crime. We are very excited about this new hobby. Here are somethings about me your host.

1. What is one of your hobbies? Reading

2. What is your favorite food? I have no clue

3. What is you favorite holiday? Christmas

4. How many people are in your family? 6

5. What grade are you in? 4th

6. What is your favorite color? Aquamarine

7. What is your favorite movie? Harry Potter

8. What is your favorite book? Harry Potter

9. what do you want to be when you grow up? A lot of stuff

10. Where do you live? New Mexico

That is all for now.