Wednesday, April 16, 2008

School Update and the Peter Report

School has been going pretty well  for all of us. So I might as well tell you about it. Peter and I are going to do a play in school. Peter and his friend William have counted up to 400 in something called Dog bone. I might be moving into fractions in school. Laura is studying about places in school. Tests are almost over and everyone is  perfectly happy. 

And now the Peter report: the first thing to talk about is  Book Orders.


They finally came after a horribly long wait. "We were all so happy to get the books!" Emily Solis age 10 said. " I was waiting for these forever." Laura said. We were all very glad to get our books.


When we when to the Actons recently we saw a movie called the Seeker. WARNING: 'There are some bluhh romance parts."10 year old Mitchell Acton commented.


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