I know I have neglected and ignored you. Seeing as I am aware of this fact I , guess what, decided to blog.
I am going to tell you about our week in BULLET POINTS, just to make it more fun.
- * Our school tends to do a lot of performances at the end of the
school year. This year our class is doing a space play. - * Currently, our school is in portables. On Thursday
12 stressed teachers took 200 something half-crazy kids to
a 3/4 finished school, where many machines were present that
we could destroy. Everyone had a great time and the school
looks awesome. Can't wait to go next year. - * I passed out of fractions!
Yeah! On to decimals. - * I passed out of CCFWT (Crash Course For Writing Technique)!
- * Our class started to learn how to orienteer.
- * I got to spend some time with my best friends. Critical Reframers.
If you don't know what these are go and find someone at
Family School to tell you, because I'm not going to.
(This whole bullet point should be read with very heavy sarcasim. - * I spent SEVEN HOURS on homework on Saturday.
- * We went to the zoo with some friends on Friday.
Peter and Laura have some friends in their class that we went
to the zoo with them (I also happen to have one of their
siblings in my class). We also took our piano teacher's son
with us. So, in total, there were nine kids and three parents.
I have to admit it. It was very successful with very little fighting. - * We had the missionaries over for dinner.
We have three great missionaries. There were plenty of
laughs, and one of our missionaries played piano for us.
I have a couple other things to say. One, for a couple of years I have wanted to donate my hair for a wig for a cancer victim, my mom and I have looked for a place where I can cut my hair. And I can't wait because my hair is finally ready. Soon I will have very short hair.
The second thing I want to tell you was a song. In our play someone sings this:
(Sung to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)
I found the meteorite, the meteorite, the meteorite
And all of you did not
It must be because I'm so bright, I'm so bright, I'm so bright
And all of you are not
Our class loves this song, mainly because the person you sings it is so funny. We have pretty much already memorized it. We were singing it on the way to the new school.
One other thing I just remembered something else that I did this week. I blogged!
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