Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Day! Happy Day!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many of you know of a certain obsession I have with seven books written by someone called J.K. Rowling? If so raise you hand. (I really hope all hands are raised.) 

So the Half-Blood Prince came out today. I think it was well worth the wait and was definitely better than a certain well- known vampire romance movie that came out because the movie was not ready. I did not enjoy the book much. End of sentence. Too many explanations and far too little action. I LOVED the movie. 

So today our parents surprised us by taking us to the movie, while Laura was off with Ba. It was funnier than all the other movies put together. There would be complete silence or a weird expression and the whole theater would burst into laughter. I found this to be odd because the book had struck me as sort of low-key. So to go and see such a funny movie was a bit of a twist. Sure they cut out 400,164,684,765,942,374,896 scenes and made -one, two, three... Okay, let's just say A LOT of mistakes. I have to congratulate them, to transform at 652 page book (I checked) and make it into a 2 and a half hour long movie is a feat. 

In short go see the movie and let me know what you think. (Just get there two hours early and buy tickets online.) 

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